“Turn Me On”: Instagram Ditching Chronological Feed

News has been going around all morning that Instagram plans to change their posting algorithm, which will change the way posts are displayed.

Right now users can view their posts and the posts of those they follow in chronological order on their feed. With this new change posts on Instagram will only be visible based on popularity or “the likelihood you’ll be interested in the content, your relationship with the person posting, and the timeliness of the post”.

Basically you will have no control over what you see and what your followers see. Instagram will choose that for you. This change is most likely a way to make Instagram operate the way Facebook does today.

The announcement came earlier this month and has been met with mixed responses from it’s users. Personally I don’t post a lot on Instagram, and I just check the app to see what friends are family are doing. Will their posts be replaced with cat videos and Kylie Jenner selfies now due to their “popularity”?

Users across the app are urging others, with the hashtag #TurnMeOn, to turn on notifications to their page so they can stay up to date on their content. This also raises a problem because no one wants to be hit with alerts all day long. There’s a lot of reasons why this could be the wrong move.



If you share regularly, get a bunch of likes, and attention then it’s likely there will be no change for you. If you’re on the other side of that coin then it might be time to break out the photo skills and start taking more professional pictures of that salad you had at lunch.

Let me know what you guys think about this change in the comments below. Thanks for tuning in and I’ll see you guys in the next post!

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