You Got Me Wet: Galaxy S7 survives for 16 hours in water

So I just watch a video on Unbox Therapy’s YouTube channel where he took the new Samsung Galaxy S7 and completely submerged it in water………for 16 hours.

16 hours and 36 minutes to be exact.


Now the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge are marketed as “water resistant” and are said to be able to be submerged for up to an hour or 30 minutes when under five feet of water. In this video it’s definitely not close to five feet of water, but it’s still impressive that the phone was able to survive for that long in any body of water.

What’s the hold up, Apple? Why must I still panic if even a drop of condensation from my water drops anywhere near my iPhone? Water resistant and waterproof devices have been around for years now, but Apple seems adamant about sticking to the same formula.

Hopefully with the changes that seem to be coming to the iPhone 7, the nixed headphone jackĀ rumor, one can hope that Apple wises up and makes their next flagship phone a least a little bit water resistant.

The full video can be viewed below.


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  1. Well this is insane.. I mean I knew this technology was out there but this really is great. Especially the fact that the battery on the S7 lasted 16 hours.. Apple has really got to started doing something like this

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