iPhone 7 Update: Don’t expect major changes to the next iPhone until 2017

If Apple stays on schedule the unveiling of the company’s next flagship smartphone, the iPhone 7/7 Plus, will undoubtedly come in September.

But those expecting a completely redesigned phone may be out of luck. The latest rumors coming now are that Apple is holding on to their new “revolutionary” design and feature changes until 2017.

You read that right, 2017. A year from now.

Wall Street Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, who correctly predicted the coming of the now released iPhone SE, believes that Apple may break tradition of announcing a redesigned phone this September.

Kuo believes Apple will begin production of a phone with a 5.8 AMOLED screen, with a curved glass display. The back of the phone will also be glass, not unlike the 4/4s models.

The phone is said to feature wireless charging (finally) and iris or facial recognition, I’m guessing for added security features to go along with TouchID. Hopefully some level of water resistance, which would be a first for the company, would be packaged with the new headset.

No doubt these changes, both physical and internal, are to compete with other companies and their out of the box phone designs.

Rumors of dual rear facing cameras and the removed 3.5mm headphone jack have also been swirling around the Internet. Additionally the antenna lines that run across the back of the device are said to be removed.

Leak reportedly shows the iPhone 7 with no antenna lines and enlarge camera. Photo from Bastille Post.

The iPhone 7 is also reported to be Apple’s thinnest iPhone to date. Hopefully we receive more confirmation on the design and features as September gets closer.

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