Damn HP…..you got sexy: HP Spectre 13 First Look

Finally a laptop that pairs nicely with your Louis Vuitton and matches you Givenchy bracelets. This is a laptop only to be used when enjoying the finest of Soy Vanilla Lattes.

That’s right folks this is the machine you want by your side when your soaring high in your private jet to the Cayman Islands. Mary, your personal stewardess, hands you a glass of champagne as an email appears on your HP Spectre 13’s screen from your boss asking when those reports will be completed. You check your Piaget watch and reply back, “In an hour, boss.”

That’s your life right?

Just a guess.

Well that’s how you’ll wish your life was after taking a look at HP’s new Spectre 13 laptop. HP just launched what the claim is the thinnest laptop in the world. It is 10.4mm thick and features a carbon fiber clamshell body that weighs 2.45 pounds.


That’s thinner and lighter than Apple’s Macbook Air line.

Under the hood the Spectre has a Intel Core i5 processor, 8GB of RAM, 10 hour battery life, a 1080p screen, and contains a sound system from Bang and Olufsen, so this copper and gold beast is no chump.

The elegance of the machine makes it feel like it was handcrafted personally for your use. It honestly looks like a marriage of high end jewelry and technology. It’ll make current PC users look at their personal notebooks and feel like they are using an outdated piece of tech.HP has even gone the extra mile and made laptop bags, mice, and other accessories that will pair well with the new notebook.


This isn’t for your average budget laptop-buyer, this is for those that value the build quality of their laptops and how well it performs. Starting at $1,169.99 you can get your hands on this beauty and start living the extravagant lifestyle that we all envision.


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